Frequency Coverage: 144-146MHz
• IF
in/out frequency : 28-30MHz •
Power Output:
ME2-T 30W out continuous carrier.
ME2-HT 60W out continuous
IF power input: -20 to +27dBm on 50Ohm or 5W on case built
in IF attenuator
• Harmonic Output Suppression: Better than
dB below rated output.
• RX
gain: cca.23dB
• RX
noise figure:
ME2-T <2.5dB
ME2-HT <1.5dB
• RX
intercept point (IP3):
ME2-T + 7dBm
ME2-HT +14dBm
Available types:
ME2-T : 30W,
7dBm, BF981 front
30W, +14dBm, 2XBF988 front
ME2-HT: 60W, 7dBm,
BF981 front
ME2-HT+: 60W, +14dBm, 2xBF988 front
Heating fan module available for every
type.( on case 30W out types is option)
• Input and Output
- ant connector 50 Ohm unbalanced, UHF or N type
connector. - input IF connector BNC type
- output IF connector BNC type
- PTT input (gnd on TX)
- SND out (open collector to ext. PA 50V/200mA max.) - Output (antenna)
impedance matching capability: VSWR up to 1:3
Power supply: external, 13.8V/5A DC or 13.8V/10A on case HT types. •
Size &
Weight : WxDxH: 240x210x70mm ~1.5kg • Operating environments:
- temperature range: 0...+50 degs.Celsius;
- humidity: up to 95% @ +35 degs.Celsius.